Tuesday, May 4, 2010


three big things we have scratched off our to-do list this week:
-pick pediatrician
-pay deposit for daycare (to be started after my 12 weeks at home)
-completed our childbirth class

newly added to the list:
-pack hospital bag! (eek!!!!)

i've been thinking a lot this week about visitors after the baby comes and what kinds of boundaries i might need to set in order to maintain my sanity those first few weeks. (prompted by this post on my favorite design blog, ohdeedoh.com) after all these years, most people STILL don't believe me, but i really am a very serious introvert at heart and major social functions leave me feeling tense and drained of all energy. add to that the lack of sleep and overall funk that i keep hearing about for the first few weeks after the baby is born, and the thought of entertaining...and cleaning up after...house guests just leaves me feeling a little anxious. don't get me wrong, i'm VERY excited to introduce our little guy to all our friends and family and i know i'll feel very proud to show him off to everyone we know! but the thought of tyler and i just holing up in the house in our pjs and cuddling with the baby completely uninterrupted that first week just sounds so divine to me right now...especially considering the fact that i'll still be working right up to the time i go into labor. call me selfish, but after all this effort i've put into making this baby these past 9 months, i secretly just want to hoard him all to myself when he arrives! we have the rest of our lives to share him with everyone else!

also, i'm pretty sure that neither man nor beast will be able to pry me away from my bed each time our little man takes a nap. the #1 thing i'm looking forward to the most is being able to SLEEP ON MY BACK again!!!!!


  1. I think you need to tell people not to come over for the first two weeks! You're right, you WILL want to just hang out and get used to everything and the last thing you need to worry about is people visiting. If anyone does visit you don't need to be a hostess, and they better not make a mess for you to have to clean up! Hoard that baby for yourself while you can!

  2. So, you picked your peditrician...good! Does the daycare have a website? I'm curious to see how they run their daycare! Love ya'~mom
