Wednesday, May 12, 2010

the joys of false labor

it started around 4 pm yesterday and lasted until around 7ish (or 9ish...the signs aren't nearly as clear as i always expected them to be). from 4-5 i had some rhythmic, semi painful contractions, but they weren't consistent (5 min apart, then 4 min apart, then 7 min apart, etc.) and each one only lasted a few seconds each. from 5-6 i was distracted by work-related things so i guess they settled down a bit. then walking to my car at 6 started them back up again...only this time they weren't as painful or time-able. by 7ish, my stomach was just really tight all over, as if i was having one really looooong contraction. but then by 9, my whole body just stopped and said "Just kidding, you're not getting anything out of this tonight" and i fell fast asleep by a little after 10. hmph...and so it begins. i've heard that these types of false alarms can go on for weeks. i'm hoping they'll at least be a little bit productive for me in the dilating/effacing realm, but who knows? this morning has been more of the same vague, tight stomach kinds of feelings. it's beginning to get a lot harder to know how to respond when someone asks "How are you feeling?" quite frankly, i have no clue how i'm feeling! it can change so quickly from one second to the next. mostly, i just answer with "I'm feeling very pregnant!" and that seems to appease people pretty well.

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