Tuesday, September 7, 2010

1/4 year old!!

ladies and gentleman, we have officially turned a corner! last week, theo finally started to eat more during each feeding, which means we are no longer feeding him every hour!! it's amazing...he had a big growth spurt in which he suddenly drank up all the milk i had saved up (both fridge and freezer) over the course of two days, then i was with him friday-monday for the long holiday weekend and by friday afternoon we were suddenly on a very clear eat-play-sleep schedule, with theo only needing to eat every 2.5-3 hours! before when i would try to feed him, he would only take one side then be done with it, but now he's finally interested in both sides for every feeding!

he's also laughing a TON now, is slowly starting to tolerate tummy time a little more, and is starting to (clumsily) move objects towards his face with his hands! yesterday in the car he gnawed on his stuffed giraffe for a good ten minutes or so. :-) it's really amazing how much more aware he suddenly is of his surroundings.

also, over the weekend he got to meet his aunts and uncles on the baber side, which he absolutely loved! grandpa charlie also volunteered to give him his first tractor ride, but i (as politely as i could) declined. :-P for now, we just took a mini tractor photo shoot.