Monday, April 26, 2010

Spring Cleaning

this past weekend, my wonderful mom came to help us get the house in order for our little guy. it was amazing...she was down on the floor scrubbing baseboards and cleaning parts of the house i'd never even think to clean (let alone bend over to do it at this stage in the pregnancy!). so our house is FINALLY ready for a baby to move in! :-) all of the baby clothes, blankets, towels and other washable items have been washed and put away as well. so now it's just a matter of waiting and trying my best to stay relaxed and open to this little guy's schedule (much easier said than done!).

in the meantime, here are a few more loose ends we have to tie up:
-lauren's bridal shower next weekend in lancaster
-choosing a pediatrician (one interview down, scheduled to meet with another one next monday)
-car seat inspection
-KEEP the house clean! (ha!)
-one more birthing class to go!
-breasfteeding class in may
-finish (i.e., start and THEN finish) thank you notes for all the awesome baby presents we've received
-have baby!

technically, we could have this baby (natural and unmedicated, in the birth center as opposed to the hospital) as soon as 1.5 weeks from now (36 weeks). but we still have almost 6 weeks to go until our due date. at this point, 6 weeks feels like a REALLY long time to keep waiting!!! i'm planning to distract myself by re-reading the last two books of the Twilight series in the meantime, in preparation for the Eclipse movie coming out at the end of JUNE!!!


  1. We certainly worked hard doing some spring cleaning! I'm very grateful my meds. worked really well this past weekend! See ya' Saturday!

  2. How fun! so glad your mom was there to help you along! I can't wait to hear your birth story! I had two natural unmedicated births. Well, the first one they gave me pitocin for some strange reason without letting me know. I found out about a year after she was born when I was looking at my medical records. But still, it's so great! You can do it I know, you're a tough cookie!!

    I'm so excited for you!!!
