Wednesday, October 19, 2011

15 and 16 months!

once again, i've gotten so carried away with raising my child that i've neglected this little blog. sorry dear readers, theo has just become too darn fun to ignore!

let's start with the word count, because i'm just so proud and excited that my boy is now able to COMMUNICATE with us!

spoken words to date: no, hi, bye bye (his three clearest words), thank you (pronounced "da doo"), bird ("buh"), doggie, ducky, daddy (which, consequently all come out as "dada"...although doggie is quickly followed by panting and "woof woof!"), mama, milk ("muh"), me ("may"), socks ("ock"), light ("aight"), night night ("nigh nigh"), jacket ("ackay"), poopah (for his grandpa charlie), abuela ("buay-a"), brush ("bttthhhh"), bath ("baaa"), cat ("at"...which is usually followed by "woof woof?"), book ("buh"), and boo!

signed words: milk, please, more, all done, poop, diaper, and food.

he is also able to identify his nose, ears, eyes, hands, feet, toes, teeth, hair, belly button, belly, and teeth. he knows that keys go in door knobs and shoes go on feet (but sometimes socks can go on feet or hands in our silly!). he loves to dance and run and tries to jump and he's gotten really good at following basic directions like "bring me your shoes" or "where's doggie?". suddenly, i realize that i now have a CHILD and not a baby anymore!!

around 15 months, we bought a potty. it all started because his nana (grandma debbie) taught him how to sign "poop" and then one day he signed it and pointed to the toilet! so we bought him a little potty and every now and then he'll sign "poop" and then go and sit on his potty. once or twice he's actually gone while sitting on the potty, but of course he still has his diaper on because we're not officially potty training yet. i'm thinking we'll start making it official once he's able to move up to the next class in daycare, cause he's still in the infant room and they don't really potty train for that age group.

oh yeah, and he got 4 new teeth (molars) since my last update. TONS of fun at nighttime, let me tell you! ;-)

he also recently started asking to hold my hand and lead me into another room...usually to ask for something, but also sometimes just so i'll sit and play or read to him. he's just turned into SUCH a fun, sweet-natured, upbeat little boy and i'm so proud to be his mama!