Wednesday, December 1, 2010

6 month check-in

Is it really possible that it's already been half a year since I had Theo?? Our little boy will be 6 months old on Sunday. That whole newborn phase seems so long ago already!!

Well, onto the updates. Theo is now sitting up unsupported quite well. He still topples over from time to time, but that's usually as a result of him leaning too far to grab a toy or to reach towards something and not as much because of lack of back strength anymore. He likes to lunge at things...he's got this funny, mysterious way of moving several feet away from where he starts out even though he can't actually crawl yet. It's mostly the result of lunging and rolling and scooting. He's started trying to climb out of his bouncers. He's also figured out that if he's laying on a blanket and his toy is just out of reach, he can pull the blanket so the toy comes closer to him. Little stinker.

In the past 2 months, we celebrated Theo's first Halloween (Fozzie Bear) and his first Thanksgiving. Have I mentioned that I've cut out all dairy because it makes Theo scream?? I miss it very much, more so with every passing day (and especially on holidays!!). Since my last update, we also went to an infant chiropractor to see if that would help with Theo's sleep/gas issues. While he was very nice and I learned a lot, I didn't see any improvement. Currently, we're giving him baby probiotics for his sensitive stomach. No obvious improvements yet, but I'll keep you posted. We also started regularly feeding him solids about a week and a half ago. He does well with the rice cereal and oatmeal cereal, but I'm still not sure if the bananas are sitting well in his stomach.

Oh yes. And now we need to devote an entire paragraph to teething. Ladies and gentlemen, I tell you that teething SUCKS! Those two little tooth buds have been hanging around for three months now, just ready to burst through and the side effects (constant drool, fussiness/screaming spells, diarrhea, nasal congestion, etc.) just keep getting worse with no actual teeth in sight!! Literally, all I want for Christmas is for Theo's two front teeth to pop through! I've met several parents who've told me that this can go on for another 2-3 months. Please please please PLEASE don't let this be the case! We've tried Tylenol, homeopathic remedies, teething toys, teething toys in the fridge, wet rags in the fridge, a metal spoon in the fridge, comfort nursing (ouch!), and even an amber necklace (that Tyler believes is a scam anyway)! I've been told to give him a chicken bone to gnaw on (no thank you). I've also been advised to just scrape at his gums with my fingernails to help the teeth cut through (also, no thank you). I recently learned that back in the day, pediatricians used to lance the baby's gums so the teeth would come through. But my (wonderful!) pediatric nurse practitioner mother-in-law has told me that none of these will actually solve the problem and that those little teeth just have to find their own way out, in their own time. So we continue to wait, fingers crossed that it happens soon!

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