Wednesday, October 13, 2010

4 month update!

Theo went for his 4 month check up on friday. he now weighs 14 lbs 9 oz and is 25 3/4 in long. that's 50th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height!

he is now fantastic at supported sitting and can even keep himself propped up for 1-2 seconds before falling over. but he absolutely LOVES practicing; we prop him up with the boppy pillow around his belly and he can sit like that for 10 minutes or more! he's been "talking" a lot more in the past few weeks. even though he's not saying actual words, you can tell he definitely has a message that he wants to convey when he makes a sound...whether it's out of excitement, curiosity, silliness, sleepiness, or frustration, he always lets you know! he's also recently discovered his feet and is starting to enjoy tummy time a whole lot more. last weekend, he rolled over from his tummy to his back for the first time ever! there haven't been any repeat occurences, so sadly tyler missed it, but it was still pretty exciting. he just looked up at me afterwards with the most surprised look on his face! i'm pretty sure he would have started crying had i not been there smiling back at him to tell him what he did was actually exciting and not scary.

we haven't made much progress in the sleep department. the night before he turned 4 months old, he got a 5 hour stretch of sleep. but he's been back to stirring every 1-3 hours ever since. he's not necessarily always hungry when he stirs (i don't say "wakes" because he never actually opens his eyes, he just cries in his sleep until we figure out what he needs and calms back down)...most of the time he needs to pass gas and this upsets him, and other times we have no idea what's wrong and he just cries until we can help him get back to sleep either by rocking him, rubbing his feet (which works surprisingly well!), or comfort nursing him. co-sleeping is the only way i am getting enough sleep to function. and while co-sleeping wasn't my original plan, i actually really enjoy it and sometimes feel sad when i think about the fact that we won't be able to do this forever. it definitely does have its downsides though...the main problem being that he won't fall asleep at night unless i'm in bed with him, which means i am going to bed between 8:30 and 9 pm every night. it's doable for now, since i'm still waking up every few hours so i really need the extra sleep. but once he starts sleeping for longer spurts, this is going to be a silly time for me to be going to bed. especially since i work till 7 pm monday-thursdays. hmph.

we tried offering him solid foods once he turned 4 months. yeah, that didn't go so well. he hated the rice cereal and actually grimaced when we offered him banana a few nights later! he's definitely showing all the signs of being ready for solids, but after those two initial tries, we're going to wait until 5 months to try anything else. he had the worst night of sleep ever the night we gave him the yeah, there's no need to rush back into that in my opinion.


  1. glad to hear he's growing well. warning: this is unwarrented advice, but try and start with veggies first and not bananas for awhile since he already has a sensitive belly...he also shouldn't have food as soon and no rice cereal. Grains are one of the hardest things for their bellies to digest and kids that have already have sensitivities or fussy times in general don't need the added difficulty. I would recommend waiting til at least 6 if not 7 months. It goes over so much better and their bellies are developed enough for it. May mean that you are tougher on him sleeping by himself so that he can work out his wakes ups.

  2. thanks for the advise amy! i've read that advice a lot too, but for some reason our pediatrician is really against waiting on solids. she said she's read some new research that says foods should be introduced sooner rather than later. but whatever, we're basically just doing a trial and error on it now. he takes the grains pretty well and they seem to help with his recent teething "runs", but i'm definitely not going back to bananas for a while after this being the second time with bad stomach reactions.
