Tuesday, August 23, 2011

14 months!

Last night, Theo learned his best trick to date. I was showing him a stuffed doll of The Count, from Sesame Street, complete with fake Transylvanian accent. And he actually imitated me saying "Aah aah aah"! Oh man, his brain is just a little sponge lately!

Last week was "The Week of NO!". So far he's learned that the following objects in the house are called "NO!": electrical cords, outlets, floor lamps, buttons on just about any appliance, the air conditioner, fans, and putting random nasty stuff in his mouth. He's also started waking up saying "NO!" and turning down previously beloved items such as his pacifier, toys, and the occasional directive by mommy or daddy.

In other news, Theo can now correctly identify his belly, nose, shoes, bottle, and even one of his favorite books, called "Hello Bugs!". He can clap, stomp, spin around, and wave on command. And he says "Woof woof" when he spots just about any furry animal. He has become a pro at climbing into and out of our low, platform bed...but sadly, he accidentally tried this on a regular bed a few days ago and fell onto the carpet (quick recovery, don't worry). He can sign "milk", "more", "food", "diaper", and "all done", although he can get kind of lazy about everything besides "milk". He is also now fluent in Chinese.

When you tell Theo "It's time to go to school", he has recently started picking up his lunch bag and dragging it to the door. He also pretends to talk on the phone and calls for "Abuela" when we're at her house. Lately, (since most of his toys are still packed from the move) our favorite past time has been watching videos of Yo Gabba Gabba and vintage Sesame Street clips on Youtube. Also, Theo LOVES to dance!

Oh, and just kidding about the Chinese.

1 comment:

  1. Darn, I was looking forward to learning some Mandarin from him. ;o) So many exciting developments!
